Friday, 23 December 2011

Frames for Trailer - Becca

Frame 1 – 3.05 Seconds: Mai walking in to sit down on the chair smiling at camera, flash transition.
Frame 2 – 3.05 Seconds: Beth walking in to sit down on the chair smiling at camera, flash transition.
Frame 3 – 3.05 Seconds: Gee walking in to sit down on the chair smiling at camera, flash transition.
Frame 4 – 3.05 Seconds: Fran walking in to sit down on the chair smiling at camera, flash transition.
Frame 5 – 3.05 Seconds: Sam walking in to sit down on the chair smiling at camera, flash transition.
Frame 6 – 2 Seconds: Becca walking in to give Maths paper to Sam
Frame 7 – 0.53 Seconds:  Looking at paper over shot of Sam’s head displaying she got an F- in her maths exam.
Frame 8 – 2.5 Seconds: Looking at F- maths paper from the side of Sam.
Frame 9 – 3 Seconds: Long shot of the Maths Quiz to show both teams and the question master in the middle of the screen.
Frame 10 – 0.55 Seconds: Showing the Formula interested in answering the question and differing with each other.
Frame 11 – 0.20 Seconds: Showing D.N.A interested in answering the question and differing with each other.
Frame 12 – 1.05 Seconds : Close up of Formula and even closer shot of Gee answering question.
Frame 13 – 3 Seconds : Mid shot of Formula answering and differing with each other.
Frame 14 – 1 Second : Image of Sam’s makeover
Frame 15 – 1 Second : Image of Sam’s makeover
Frame 16 – 1 Second : Image of Sam’s makeover
Frame 17 – 1 Second : Image of Sam’s makeover
Frame 18 – 2 Seconds : Concluding part of Sam’s makeover adding glasses for finishing touch.
Frame 19 – 2 Seconds : The formula text
Frame 20 – 2 Seconds : Directed by Jordene Furniss
Frame 21 – 2 Seconds : Produced by Demelza Cristall
Frame 22 – 2 Seconds : Written by Becca Collier

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Social Factors within the trailer - Becca

The main part of our plot is to do with Sam Snow a fallen popular girl who has received very low grades and has to take on some extra credit classes. She also feels she has to change herself in order to do better at school. Instead of the classic geek trying to fit in with a popular girl gang, we've decided to go for a more original plot in which the popular girl is trying to fit in with the geek gang. The trailer also conveys the hardships of being a teenager such as bullying, trying to fit in, friendship groups and many more. Sam eventually manages to fit in after a humiliating maths competition in which she knows no answers ,and is dressed in the latest trends. The geeks find the clothes and lack of answers hilarious and begin to mock her. Soon after the Geeks manage to transform her, by tutoring her and giving her a make over, they learn to accept her and she is welcomed into the group.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Industry - Jordene

We are a British independant company. Though being a Hollywood major would of given us more funding and opportunity, we wanted our film to be authentic! Our film had a lot of influence from St. Trinians as it was a heavily focused female cast and the UK film council and Ealing Studios effected the production of this film therefore it shows a film similar to ours can be a success with a British Indepedant company.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Photo's from Makeover scene - Becca

These are photo's from the make over scene in our trailer, which will change from pictures of the make over into a short film footage of the makeover.

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Further complications - Jordene

Unfortunately we have had another set back.
Though some of our footage has recorded, the majority has not. This means we are going to need to get our cast back together to re film which may prove difficult as we all have busy schedules.
Our plan is to film on the 29th, this way we will be able to edit it all together on the 30th and we should then have a completed trailer. We have already made a lot of progress with our front cover and poster though and these are close to being completed, therefore we have slightly less to worry about and the rest of our focus can be on getting the trailer exactly how we would like it.
We have also been trying out different music and considering what style we are looking for. We want very up beat music to create a light hearted feel to the trailer. We are thinking of having edited sounds instead of clear guitars, pianos etc. as we feel this will attract our target audience.
We had found the song we wanted to use parts of in our trailer yet we did not get hold of the producer to get the rights to use it therefore our trailer will not have any lyrics in. Though we wanted lyrics, it will be easier to have it without.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Issues with editing - Becca

Media files going offline - A big issue we have had so far is the files we have uploaded into are trailer becoming offline, this has meant we have had to re cut several files multiple times and re inserting them also. However from this technical difficulty it has given us more practice to cut down files, this has helped our knowledge of final cut pro.

Photos - within our trailer we wanted the same effect as some movies, where pictures turn into moving pictures as a transitional edit. However when gathering feedback and looking further this slows the entire pace of the trailer down.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Update on Editing - Becca

So far we are editing clips of the trailer we have produced, we have our main scene cut down in to small parts based on a Mathlete style competition between The Formula and D.N.A. Other clips we have at the moment is based on the make over and around Sam.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Editing update - Jordene

We now have all our footage and the editing part is progressing. Whilst filming we made several changes such as the beginning scene being a school photo style instead of a car scene as this was more convienient to do with the weather being difficult. We are now experiencing several difficulties with our files not opening sometimes and having to replace them, we are not entirely sure why this is yet. We are also having trouble finding a text to appear on the trailer that we feel is appropriate therefore this is something we need to try over come. One of our actresses also has a habit of looking straight at the camera therefore we may need to re film the parts she is in, as she only appears in a 'team' shot and this can be re done if we need too.
We have made progress with the music and all we need to do is add more variation of sounds as at present all we have is a main tune.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Update on filming - Jordene

Due to complications with casting and schedules we have been running slightly behind yet today we started to film.
Unfortunately, we had a few difficulties with people being ill and things not being portrayed on camera as we imagined them. We are going to keep updating our schedules and try find another time when everyone is avaliable to add finishing touches so we can finally begin editting and carrying on making progress on our front cover and poster.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Filming Schedule - Becca

Filming Schedule

Group: Jordene, Becca and Dizzy                                  Film Text: Chick Flick

Date of filming                       Scenes to be filmed                                   Resources/actors required  

16/11/2011        Car scene, all the geeks getting out of the car    Franchesca Graham, Georgia Goslett, Sam Snow, Bethanie Lewis and Mai Smith.              
22/11/2011      Maths contest                         Aimee Margott, Kellie Bingham,

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Film Magazine - Demelza

This was the first idea I had when designing the poster, I wanted it to include all the characters since as it would give a better sense to what the film was about. However it is clear from the above image that having five people on the front cover proves a bit too much for the page. I have looked back over other film magazine covers and in most there are only a couple of people on the cover, and sometimes only one person. But then that also determins on the main characters. Since in our film there is one protagonist, the girl in the middle of the above photo, I then decided that I would only use a photo of her. I decided to have a light pink background, to compliment Sam's dress, the title is my first attempt at the header but clearly it isn't big enough and I do not like the font so I shall change that. The background is made up of photos of maths equations writen in a book, there is also very faint text that says 'the formular' and 'who's going to get it right'.

I have decided to go with this image of the main character as she has clear eye contact and the light direction of the photo is well done. She is clearly lit but there is still shadows that make the picture more interesting, the image before seemed dull. I had to use the lasso tool to crop her out of an original picture that had the full cast. The dress matching the background has proved positive, I also used a shadow effect to add a 3D effect and make her pop out of the cover, otherwise it would look too flat. 
I have changed the title, at first I thought of what colours to have, as I needed something that would match the image and not cause to much contrast. Looking back at my research into previous magazines I found that some did change the colours of their headers to match the main feature/image of their magazine. I therefore decided to have it the same colour as the dress. Deciding on the actual name was fairly easy, I changed the 'ED' to black and white make it look more interesting, it also matches with Sam's bow.

I decided to change the position of Sam, as most people in the magazine front covers have been placed in the middle to be able to feauture text around the body. I have decided to add a slogan to the magazine and place it under the heading, and I also made it relatable to the film being promoted: 'ultimate chick flick special'. This makes it obvious to reader what The Formula could possibly be about. I kept to the house styles and using pink/greys/blacks for the text around.

This is the final piece as shown in photoshop cs4, I have added text that is relatable to the issue of chick flicks. The magazine is an english magazine, and is premoting a British film therefore I thought I'd had the texts of 'sexy and english' that include famous British men. This is further informing the nature of the magazine and also intrigues the reader, I have also incorporated other films such as 'chalet girl' and 'bridesmaids.'
To make the title stand out a little more than it did I added a slight black border, similarly with the title of the film, it has a shadow to stand out more. "Inside the chick-flick that changes everything' is the tag that will get possible readers interested in the film.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Practicing Making the Poster - Demelza

I have chosen this image to be the one to work on because I love that fact that it's such a natural image, in fact the actors weren't not actually aware of the image being taken. But in a way it captures the nerdy persona well, the geeky smiles and Sam's normal pose gives of the effect I was looking for while taking the images.

To edit this image effectively I had to put it into photoshop cs4 and use the lasso tool to cut around the figures and put them in a new layer. This allowed me to smooth out the background to get it ready to easily edit a suitable background for a movie poster as the original wasn't professional enough. In my research most movie posters have a simple background or it is very professionally done, either a background scene from the film or an edited collection of images. I added a shadow to give it a 3D feel and make them stand out more, however it has made it obvious that the image has been cropped. Further editing included brighting the image and making slight alterations to the colouring to make it look more natural.

For the title I used Princetown LET as its a font regularly shown in schools, which I too used a shadow to make it stand out more. I had to download it off It is in the same colour as Sam's dress to make it clear that she is the main character and to let there be a clear styles of colours throughout the poster. I have made the background all one shade, the lighter colours bought out the shadows more and also resulted in the characters standing out more. I therefore had to edit again around each person to make it look professional, especially around Sam's hair that had a clear colour difference from the background and original image.

Then came the banners, slogan and release date so the poster isn't as plain. I used the same colour as the title/dress to keep the connection palet and used shadows to give them an extra lift off the page. I used the date August 2012 so it is a British summer movie and I decided on a caption that was going to get the possible viewer interested. The main reason for the banner placement at the bottom was because the image wasn't long enough to fill the whole page so I needed to come up with something to keep the size but for the image to not suddenly cut off. I think the banner justifies my meaning and it doesn't look awkward.

The final result of the the poster. I have included the script at the bottom of the poster, to give it the authenticity it needs, using our group names for the director/producer/etc duties and it also used the names of the actors. There is a website address too and made up icons for film picture companies. I also added a small equation under the title just to make it that little bit more interesting. I am pleased with the end result.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Taking Photo's for the Poster - Demelza

I originally took around 40 images, but I have narrowed it down to 5 that I liked the most.
This was the first arrangement that we decided to have our actors stand. Simular to other posters such as St. Trinians, it makes it easy to distinguish all characters as well as clearly represent the main. I wanted a room that had white walls to allow easier editing in Photoshop. However the rooms available was quite small so full body shots was impossible.
The aim of these photographs was to have 'The Geeks' pull extremely cheesy grins that contrast with Sams straight face. (With except of the first image which is a test.) I had two studio lights face the actors to make sure they were lit up enough so colours could be edited nicely.
In terms of the costume the actors wore jumpers/cardigans/blazers and with Georgia and Fran hats and glasses. Sam although relatively smart, wears a dress with long blonde hair. Creating a juxtaposition from 'The Geeks'.
The second arrangement shows them in rank also, with Sam at the front, slightly parted from the other actresses in the first photo. Her height is also an advantage to separating herself from the others. I also prefer the lighting on these photos, it's softer and doesn't blind the viewer with their smiles.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Picture Ideas for Front Picture on Teaser Poster - Becca

Picture Ideas for Poster:
·        All IT girls in a line, all looking unimpressed with Geek ( Sam Snow)
(IT GIRLS - Mai, Beth, Millie, Hannah and Sarah O'Hare ) (Geek transformer - Sam Snow) To show a hierachy if she is at the end, in a food chain style photo. To show how the IT girls think they are so much better than Sam.
·        All IT girls behind in triangle with Geek ( Sam Snow ) at the front looking confused with book and pen.
To convey some sense of talking behind her back? and Sam being oblivious to the kind of world the IT girls have.
·        All IT girls pointing at Sam laughing.
To show how the IT girls make fun of Sam and the Geeks,it is also to convey how nasty and superficial the IT girls can be.
·        Geeks on one side and IT girls on the other side, in a mock western style
To show the contrasting views between IT girls and Geeks, to also show how malicious girls can be.
·        Sam sat down, with geeks and IT girls and other groups fighting
Showing how Sam does not want to get involved and how she is in the middle?

Monday, 7 November 2011

Poster Template - Becca

  1. The title will stand out on the poster and give connotations about what our film is about.
  2. The colour scheme of pinks and blacks is to show the audience the film is targeted at girls.
  3. The font will be quite large to eye catch the audience.
  4. A quote from characters to also allure characters.
  5. Release date quite large for the audience to see.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Scene Order - Becca

  1. Car Scene – Cars pull up then we have a shot of each person ( close up of each character)
  2. F - ( Sam Snow recieving an F- on one of her subject tests, she's very upset)
  3. First Maths competition of them all laughing at her ( all laughing at Sam Snow because she does not know the answers)
  4. Sam wanting to be a geek ( Funny quote)
  5. Makeover ( of Sam Snow transformation into a geek)
  6. Second competition ( Where Sam Snow is transformed into a geek and no one continues to mock her)
  7. All walking along outside path ( Showing sam as one of the geeks)
  • We have had to revise the order of the scenes to create a more realistic beginning and ending, we expect our trailer to be about 1 minute to 1 minute and a half.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Costume Idea's - Jordene

Above is a moodboard of our costume and hair and make up ideas. For the beginning our main characters will have big hair, braces, lipstick on teeth etc. whilst our main character will have perfect make up, designer clothes, long blonde hair etc. showing clear differences between them and making stereotypes clear. Due to our main character going from 'IT' girl to geek, the make over will be opposite to the conventional ones with the main girl having big hair, glasses and bad make up. Pictures of the blonde girl featured above will be similar to our character after the make over whilst the one's with brown hair will be our geeky characters.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Music for the Trailer - Becca

We decided as we wanted our opening part of the trailer to have 1,2,3 to suggest the start of the film, this song would be appropriate. However when sending several emails to the producers and directors of the music video and the music stars themselves we recieved no reply. We did not want to have any problems with copyright so instead we used a song found on Sound Track Pro called 'Funk' for the background in the trailer.

Email to Head of Drama about borrowing props! - Becca

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Prop List - Becca & Jordene

  1. Podiums ( for the math contest)
  2. Glasses
  3. Bad Handbags
  4. Car
  5. Bad Clothes
  6. Maths Papers
  7. Books
  8. Folders
  9. Phones - Nokia ( Bricks)
  10. Pens
  11. Make- up
These are the main props, used for the trailer, we need podiums for the maths contest as a classical American scene in which one team is winning and the other team is losing. In terms of costume design, we are going to need awful handbags and bad clothes and glasses to show the Geeks have no sense of fashion or upcoming trends. Old phones can also associate them with not being very cool, and in with the latest trends as well. Pens, folders, books and math papers again are just to clearly convey how into their school studies they are. Make - up is needed for the makeovers, and bad make up can be used for the geeks as well. We will also be using one car for a scene in which all the geeks step out in a very awkward fashion. 

Monday, 31 October 2011

Prop List for our media production! - Becca

Prop List
·         Fashion Clothes ( topshop, urban outfitters, new look)
·         Car ( one of our friends)
·         Food ( for food fight)
·         Make- Up
·         Shoes
·         Hair accessories
·         Handbags
·         Folders
·         Phones( iphone or blackberry)

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Location - Jordene

We are going to use our school as our main location and a local quiet road.
Our film is set in our school and therefore it is ideal as we know what is avaliable to us, it is also the most convienent choice.
The road near our school will be used for the beginning frame where the 'It' girls pull up and get out of the car. The road is quiet and therefore we will not be affecting any other people when filming this.
All health and safety aspects have been considered, we know our school has health and safety standards.

Our party and sleepover scene will be filmed at Demelza's house. This is once again for convienience and she also has a basement with perfect lighting for this. It is several small circular ceiling lights which means it is not too bright or dark.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Cast - Jordene

'It' Girls
Mai Smith
Bethanie Lewis
Georgia Goslett
Millie Irvine
Hannah O'Hare
Sarah O'Hare

Each 'IT' girl has the sterotypical look, they wear fashionable clothes and have nice hair and due to this, costume should be easy. Two of our characters have a car that is avaliable for our first scene so this is also another positive aspect.

Sam Snow
Dani O'Connor
Mel Davidon
Hannah Terry
Evelyn Fleming
Fran Graham

Some of the 'geek' characters wear things such as glasses and braces which is a stereotypical positive. Though some of them don't conform to this look, it will be easy to make them appear this way.

Jasmine Doughty
Chani Sanger
Megan Hogben
Sophie O'Connor
Charlie Toombs

Each character has bright hair, bright clothes etc and therefore they are perfect for the roles. Alternative in our trailer will be the people such as Goths etc.

Exchange Students
Bhawana Siwa
Rimona Rai
Priya Guri

We felt our trailer needed to consider different ethnicities and therefore an Exchange Student group would be ideal. Each of these characters are of an Asain or Nepalese nationality and therefore fit these roles.

Our actors were chosen through convienience purposes, they all attend our school and therefore we felt this would be easiest yet these people were short listed because they fit the roles in real life. We have not held auditions as we know the people and are sure that they will be suited to each role.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Quick Sketches of Scenes - Demelza

Character's - Jordene

We have decided to have around 21 characters yet only a few are going to be our main one's whilst the others will be extra's. To keep things simple we are going to use everyone's name as it is now, we think if we want our trailer to seem realistic we need to keep it as real as possbile.
We've decided on 4 main stereotypical/cliche groups. These are the main 'it' girls, the nerds, the 'alternative' and the 'outsiders'/asain group. This means we have a range of people and we can have clear differences between them all making it obvious to our target audience.

I am going to send the following email to our 21 people to see who will be willing to participate:
For our media production we are going to do a chick flick film and need 21 people to take part.
After considering the types of people we want, we have decided that you would all suit the parts best.
If you are willing to par take could you please email me back with a Yes'

This will be sent via Facebook as this is the easiest way to communicate with people in our age range.

Monday, 24 October 2011

New Film Name Ideas - Becca

  1. Math Club
  2. Pythagoras 
  3. Mathematica
  4. Math Fans!
  5. Number experts!
  6. The formula
  7. The Percentages!
  8. The fractions
  9. Geometry Lovers
  10. Mathnatism 
When voting for the new film name, the others in my group were most in favour of 'The Formula' as it does give some connotations of maths, but at the same time does not give to much away about the film. The formula could also suggest that a formula would mean a group of people matched together to become a solution? this is all in maths terms but also then suggests to viewers it may me about conflicting friendship groups. 

Friday, 21 October 2011

Name Ideas for Media Production - Becca

  1. Girls GO BAD
  2. The Real Girl's Grammar!
  3. The Final Year
  4. The 'IT' Girls
  5. Gramma gals
  6. FSG GALS!
  7. FSG Aristocratics!
  8. High Born's
  9. Go Getta's
  10. Wayward girls
  11. High Class
  12. School Life
  13. Folkestone Girls
  14. Imps
  15. SNOBS R US!
  16. As The Pips go!
  17. The Last Year
  18. Mix it up?!
  19. Folkestone Daredevils!
  20. Ultimate Year

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Re scripting - Jordene

1 2 3 4
Geeks getting out of car.. glasses, braces, 'geeky clothing' (see costume idea's post) etc. Slow motion looking them up and down with name flashing up.
Maths competition between two groups. One of which is our group.
Popular 'IT' girl in headmasters office saying how she needs extra credits. Headmaster pointing at an F on a paper.
She joins the maths club..goes to a competition and everyone is horrible to her because they think she is dumb due to how she looks.
Maths club give her a makeover.
Slow motion again of them all walking through a corridor?
Black screen, tag line, title and release date.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Further Script Ideas - Becca


  • Instead of food fight choice, have a volleyball/ dodge ball session where typically our geek transformation girl is hit with the ball.
  • Mai then apologises later on for this and invites them to the party.
Dodge ball would be less messier, and displays a typical teen drama. Sam could be hit with the ball therefore resulting in a confrontation between her and the IT girls, this is when they realise they can transform her into one of them.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Scripting idea's - Jordene

Black screen as music starts 1 2 3 4.
Longshot of a car pulling up and all 'it' girls climb out.
Shots of each girl with their name flash up.
Different groups at different canteen tables.
Food fight initiated.
Bathroom scene- cleaning up. 'it' girl apologises to main nerd.
Party scene in picture form then last picture turns into moving image.
Sleepover scene and make over of main nerd character.
Last part in canteen with difference in structure.
Black screen, title and release date

Monday, 17 October 2011

Production Structure Ideas - Becca

Script order ideas
First scene : Car speeding up to car park ( new car) Close up of each character as they get out the car and then of them walking away, to clearly show they are the ‘IT’ girls, really dressed up, expensive designer clothes.
Second scene: In the cafeteria, one girl throws food at another and food fight starts with zooming in on different cliché groups. To show the difference between nerds and popular girls etc (introducing main girls names)
Third scene: Close up of text on iPhone or blackberry containing gossip
Fourth scene: Makeover of nerd and getting ready for prom (doing hair, getting dressed, doing make up)

Start of the Storyboard - Demelza

The Storyboard in it's first steps. -Best viewed in original size.

Brainstorm for trailer! - Jordene

St Trinians
Mean Girls
Grammar Bitchy
Close up of  ‘it girls’
New Girl –team up to humiliate her
IT girls
Close up of feet
Town centre (Folkestone)

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Our Target Audience - Becca

  • Our target audience is between 16-20 this is because the main characters in our film are aged between 16-20, so therefore the audience will be able to relate to the characters.They will have the same sense of humour and will be able to recognise the trends in clothes. The same language will be used that 16-20 year olds use making the film easy and clear for them to understand.
  • It is aimed at Females as we have no male characters, it makes the audience relate to the characters and are able to identify qualtities that they share with main characters.
  • The audience will love chick flick esque films, such as Mean Girls, Bridget Jones, St Trinians, Clueless, Chalet Girl.
  • Programmes the target audience will watch is One Tree Hill, Made in Chelsea, 90210, Desperate Housewives, Gossip Girl and Glee
  • The target audience will keep up with the latest fashion trends
  • Shot at folkestone girls school

Friday, 14 October 2011

Survey Monkey Results! - Becca

What is the best chick flick for you?
What sort of things do you associate with chick flicks?

What would you like to be the setting to be for the chick flick?
Small or large cast?

What kind of music would you like to see in a chick flick?

What sort of events do you see in a chick flick?

What sort of film do you asscoiate with gender?

Friday, 7 October 2011

Inspirational Trailers - Jordene

Skins : The cast are replaced every 2 series, so they can move on to their adult life. Surrounded with issues such as sexuality, school stressors, relationships, substance use and many more teenage issues and hardships that the younger generation deal with today. This was inspirational as our target audience is teenagers and therefore we want this film to appeal to them by relating it to their lives.