Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Film Magazine - Demelza

This was the first idea I had when designing the poster, I wanted it to include all the characters since as it would give a better sense to what the film was about. However it is clear from the above image that having five people on the front cover proves a bit too much for the page. I have looked back over other film magazine covers and in most there are only a couple of people on the cover, and sometimes only one person. But then that also determins on the main characters. Since in our film there is one protagonist, the girl in the middle of the above photo, I then decided that I would only use a photo of her. I decided to have a light pink background, to compliment Sam's dress, the title is my first attempt at the header but clearly it isn't big enough and I do not like the font so I shall change that. The background is made up of photos of maths equations writen in a book, there is also very faint text that says 'the formular' and 'who's going to get it right'.

I have decided to go with this image of the main character as she has clear eye contact and the light direction of the photo is well done. She is clearly lit but there is still shadows that make the picture more interesting, the image before seemed dull. I had to use the lasso tool to crop her out of an original picture that had the full cast. The dress matching the background has proved positive, I also used a shadow effect to add a 3D effect and make her pop out of the cover, otherwise it would look too flat. 
I have changed the title, at first I thought of what colours to have, as I needed something that would match the image and not cause to much contrast. Looking back at my research into previous magazines I found that some did change the colours of their headers to match the main feature/image of their magazine. I therefore decided to have it the same colour as the dress. Deciding on the actual name was fairly easy, I changed the 'ED' to black and white make it look more interesting, it also matches with Sam's bow.

I decided to change the position of Sam, as most people in the magazine front covers have been placed in the middle to be able to feauture text around the body. I have decided to add a slogan to the magazine and place it under the heading, and I also made it relatable to the film being promoted: 'ultimate chick flick special'. This makes it obvious to reader what The Formula could possibly be about. I kept to the house styles and using pink/greys/blacks for the text around.

This is the final piece as shown in photoshop cs4, I have added text that is relatable to the issue of chick flicks. The magazine is an english magazine, and is premoting a British film therefore I thought I'd had the texts of 'sexy and english' that include famous British men. This is further informing the nature of the magazine and also intrigues the reader, I have also incorporated other films such as 'chalet girl' and 'bridesmaids.'
To make the title stand out a little more than it did I added a slight black border, similarly with the title of the film, it has a shadow to stand out more. "Inside the chick-flick that changes everything' is the tag that will get possible readers interested in the film.

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