Monday, 14 November 2011

Practicing Making the Poster - Demelza

I have chosen this image to be the one to work on because I love that fact that it's such a natural image, in fact the actors weren't not actually aware of the image being taken. But in a way it captures the nerdy persona well, the geeky smiles and Sam's normal pose gives of the effect I was looking for while taking the images.

To edit this image effectively I had to put it into photoshop cs4 and use the lasso tool to cut around the figures and put them in a new layer. This allowed me to smooth out the background to get it ready to easily edit a suitable background for a movie poster as the original wasn't professional enough. In my research most movie posters have a simple background or it is very professionally done, either a background scene from the film or an edited collection of images. I added a shadow to give it a 3D feel and make them stand out more, however it has made it obvious that the image has been cropped. Further editing included brighting the image and making slight alterations to the colouring to make it look more natural.

For the title I used Princetown LET as its a font regularly shown in schools, which I too used a shadow to make it stand out more. I had to download it off It is in the same colour as Sam's dress to make it clear that she is the main character and to let there be a clear styles of colours throughout the poster. I have made the background all one shade, the lighter colours bought out the shadows more and also resulted in the characters standing out more. I therefore had to edit again around each person to make it look professional, especially around Sam's hair that had a clear colour difference from the background and original image.

Then came the banners, slogan and release date so the poster isn't as plain. I used the same colour as the title/dress to keep the connection palet and used shadows to give them an extra lift off the page. I used the date August 2012 so it is a British summer movie and I decided on a caption that was going to get the possible viewer interested. The main reason for the banner placement at the bottom was because the image wasn't long enough to fill the whole page so I needed to come up with something to keep the size but for the image to not suddenly cut off. I think the banner justifies my meaning and it doesn't look awkward.

The final result of the the poster. I have included the script at the bottom of the poster, to give it the authenticity it needs, using our group names for the director/producer/etc duties and it also used the names of the actors. There is a website address too and made up icons for film picture companies. I also added a small equation under the title just to make it that little bit more interesting. I am pleased with the end result.

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