Monday, 14 May 2012

In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our text was similar to St Trinians and Mean Girls in the fact that it was a school based chick flick with a heavily focused female cast however The Formula had an all girl female cast and this has not often been done before. It also focused on the academic side of school instead of rebellion or relationships and therefore this is different. We did this to create a USP and to ensure it appealed to our target audience of 12-18 year olds.
Other conventions of a chick flick include pink/purple text, voiceovers, often a make over scene and a group of females. Our trailer uses these conventions with our text being a pink sketchy text, a female voice over to accompany the images, a make over scene (though not a conventional one, ours has the 'popular' girl becoming a geek) and we use a group of females yet once again this is not conventional as it is a 'geeky' group of females instead of the stereotypically pretty and popular ones.

Our poster was similar to the means girls one in the fact we had a very stereotypically feminine colour scheme of pinks/corals whilst Mean Girls also used pinks. We used a similar positioning to the Mean Girls poster as our main character was faced away from the main group showing the clear divide. We decided to shows our was a chick flick with a comical edge through the facial expressions of the characters which is not often seen on film posters therefore challenging the conventions of a chick flick poster. Whilst Mean Girls slogan is 'watch your back' ours was 'Who's gonna' get it right?' showing that there is some form of competition/disagreement in both yet ours is more academic based which you can tell from the clothing and slogan.


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